Five nearest cells (click image):

Five nearest cells (click image):


Expression Plot


In Situ Projection

Facet UMAP



Download Dot Plot Download Dot Data



Download Heatmap Download Heatmap Data


Gene Differential Expression Tests

Tests run with across CellType, CellType (Predict), and Cluster and split by organism. The differential testing has been updated (yet again). This time to a "pseudoBulk" approach where gene counts are summed by study and the test of interest (e.g. Cluster). The summed counts are "bulk-like" in their statistical properties and we simply apply them to a DESeq2 based differential test where we use the study as a covariate.

Two types of contrasts are extracted: in Table 1 we show a comparison (e.g. Rod) against all other remaining (everything not rod) and in Table 2 we use a contrast run in a pair-wise manner where we test, for example, cluster 2 directly against against cluster 10.


singleCellHaystack is a cluster or cell type independent method for identifying differentially expressed or "interesting" genes

Very briefly, it uses the DKL divergence across the scVI multidimensional space to find non-randomly expressed genes. The table is ordered by the log10(p value) calculated (lower is a lower p value). A higher D_KL score means that the genes is less randomly expressed. T counts sums the number of counts (higher is expressed in more cells).

The CellType(s) and Cluster columns are the "top" genes which are most differentially expressed in the comparison. The idea is to provide a quick way to see what CellType(s) or Cluster are driving the singleCellHaystack identified gene.


The codebase for the creation of the scEiaD dataset is on github

If size not given, it is less than 1 GB

Run plae Locally

If you have 500GB (!) of free hard drive space, you can run plae on your own computer. Installation instructions are available in our Github repository (this is the codebase for the app you are using now).

Seurat Objects

AnnData Objects

PseudoBulk Diff Testing Results

PseudoBulk Data Matrices (and Metadata)



plae v0.95

PLatform for Analysis of scEiad

plae pronounced play logo. eye ball with arms running to slide made of retina cells

What is scEiaD?

single cell Eye in a Disk

The light-sensitive portion of the eye is the retina. The retina itself is not a monolithic tissue - there are over 10 major cell types. The cones and rods which convert light into signal are supported by a wide variety of neural cell types with distinct roles in interpretting and transmitting the visual signal to the brain. Behind the retina is the RPE and vasculature, which supports the high energetic needs of the rods and cones. In front of the retina is the clear lens and cornea, which shape the light onto the retina. scEiaD is a meta-atlas that compiles 1.1 million single-cell eye and body tissue transcriptomes across 44 datasets, 35 publications, and 4 species. Deep metadata mining, rigorous quality control analysis, differential gene expression testing, and deep learning based batch effect correction in a unified bioinformatic framework allow the universe of ocular single cell expression information to be analyzed in one location.


You can look up gene expression by retina cell type across loads of different studies, four organisms, and multiple developmental stages.

How to cite?

The article covering of the data creation and benchmarking of version 0.74 data is now publised at (now **not** on plae, but the codebase and principles are the same) GigaScience!


This work is released under the CC0 license

Data Sources

Citation PMID SRA Accession organism Platform Count Labels
Yamagata M, Yan W, Sanes JR. A ... 33393903 SRP286543 Gallus gallus 10xv2 37498 Yes
Collin J, Queen R, Zerti D, Bo ... 33865984 SRP275814 Homo sapiens 10xv2 100472 Yes
He S, Wang LH, Liu Y, Li YQ et ... 33287869 SRP292721 Homo sapiens 10xv2 79245 Yes
Lu Y, Shiau F, Yi W, Lu S et a ... 32386599 SRP223254 Homo sapiens 10xv2 64425 Yes
Cowan CS, Renner M, De Gennaro ... 32946783 EGAD00001006350 Homo sapiens 10xv2 55018 Yes
Lu Y, Shiau F, Yi W, Lu S et a ... 32386599 SRP151023 Homo sapiens 10xv2 42827 Yes
Yan W, Peng YR, van Zyl T, Reg ... 32555229 SRP255195 Homo sapiens 10xv2 25737 No
Voigt AP, Whitmore SS, Mulfaul ... 32531351 SRP257883 Homo sapiens 10xv3 24780 Yes
Gautam P, Hamashima K, Chen Y, ... 34584087 SRP255012 Homo sapiens 10xv2 23610 Yes
Sridhar A, Hoshino A, Finkbein ... 32023475 SRP238587 Homo sapiens 10xv2 18575 No
Voigt AP, Mulfaul K, Mullin NK ... 31712411 SRP218652 Homo sapiens 10xv3 12634 No
Ligocki A, Fury W, Gutierrez C ... 34381080 SRP362101 Homo sapiens 10xv2 12289 No
van Zyl T, Yan W, McAdams A, P ... 32341164 SRP255871 Homo sapiens 10xv2 10858 Yes
Patel G, Fury W, Yang H, et al ... 32439707 SRP254408 Homo sapiens 10xv2 10618 No
Lukowski SW, Lo CY, Sharov AA ... 31436334 E-MTAB-7316 Homo sapiens 10xv2 9725 Yes
Lu Y, Shiau F, Yi W, Lu S et a ... 32386599 SRP170761 Homo sapiens 10xv2 5002 No
Menon M, Mohammadi S, Davila-V ... 31653841 SRP222958 Homo sapiens DropSeq 3894 Yes
Voigt AP, Whitmore SS, Flamme- ... 31075224 SRP194595 Homo sapiens 10xv3 3645 Yes
Yan W, Peng YR, van Zyl T, Reg ... 32555229 SRP255195 Homo sapiens 10xv3 3187 No
Swamy VS, Fufa TD, Hufnagel RB ... 34651173 SRP329495 Homo sapiens 10xv2 1544 No
Menon M, Mohammadi S, Davila-V ... 31653841 SRP222001 Homo sapiens 10xv2 1273 Yes
Voigt AP, Binkley E, Flamme-Wi ... 32069977 SRP238409 Homo sapiens 10xv3 1195 No
Hu Y, Wang X, Hu B, Mao Y et a ... 31269016 SRP125998 Homo sapiens SMARTSeq_v2 8 No
Peng YR, Shekhar K, Yan W, Her ... 30712875 SRP158528 Macaca fascicularis 10xv2 85327 Yes
van Zyl T, Yan W, McAdams A, P ... 32341164 SRP255874 Macaca fascicularis 10xv2 4499 Yes
Clark BS, Stein-O'Brien GL, Sh ... 31128945 SRP158081 Mus musculus 10xv2 127434 Yes
Dani N, Herbst RH, McCabe C, G ... 33932339 SRP310237 Mus musculus 10xv2 64671 Yes
Tabula Muris Consortium., Over ... 30283141 SRP131661 Mus musculus 10xv2 60587 Yes
Tran NM, Shekhar K, Whitney IE ... 31784286 SRP212151 Mus musculus 10xv2 46175 Yes
Yan W, Laboulaye MA, Tran NM, ... 32457074 SRP259930 Mus musculus 10xv2 44560 No
Wu F, Bard JE, Kann J, Yergeau ... 33674582 SRP257758 Mus musculus 10xv2 42692 No
Shekhar K, Lapan SW, Whitney I ... 27565351 SRP075719 Mus musculus DropSeq 24158 Yes
Heng JS, Hackett SF, Stein-O'B ... 31843893 SRP200499 Mus musculus 10xv2 15461 No
van Zyl T, Yan W, McAdams A, P ... 32341164 SRP251245 Mus musculus 10xv3 14827 Yes
Macosko EZ, Basu A, Satija R, ... 26000488 SRP050054 Mus musculus DropSeq 12092 Yes
Lehmann GL, Hanke-Gogokhia C, ... 32196081 SRP216903 Mus musculus 10xv2 9607 No
Fadl BR, Brodie SA, Malasky M, ... 33088174 SRP269635 Mus musculus 10xv2 8516 No
Balasubramanian R, Min X, Quin ... 34757798 SRP228556 Mus musculus 10xv3 8463 Yes
Buenaventura DF, Corseri A, Em ... 31260032 SRP200599 Mus musculus 10xv2 8207 No
Lo Giudice Q, Leleu M, La Mann ... 31399471 SRP168426 Mus musculus 10xv2 5040 No
O'Koren EG, Yu C, Klingeborn M ... 30850344 SRP186407 Mus musculus 10xv2 3621 No
Lo Giudice Q, Leleu M, La Mann ... 31399471 SRP186396 Mus musculus SMARTSeq_v2 599 No
Clark BS, Stein-O'Brien GL, Sh ... 31128945 SRP158081 Mus musculus SMARTSeq_v2 505 No
Fadl BR, Brodie SA, Malasky M, ... 33088174 SRP269634 Mus musculus 10xv2 358 No
Shekhar K, Lapan SW, Whitney I ... 27565351 SRP075720 Mus musculus SMARTSeq_v2 337 No
Shekhar K, Lapan SW, Whitney I ... 27565351 SRP073242 Mus musculus SMARTSeq_v2 246 No

scEiaD Curated Published Cell Type Labels

CellType Species Studies Count
Retinal Ganglion Cell GG, HS, MF, MM 11 68030
Rod GG, HS, MF, MM 11 50622
Fibroblast HS, MM 7 45697
Amacrine Cell GG, HS, MF, MM 8 42005
Epithelial HS, MM 4 35426
Muller Glia GG, HS, MF, MM 13 34821
Bipolar Cell GG, HS, MF, MM 12 33777
Keratocyte HS 1 31850
T/NK-Cell HS, MF, MM 7 29486
Early RPC MM 1 25441
RPC HS, MM 3 20899
Late RPC MM 1 17645
B-Cell HS, MM 4 16194
Endothelial HS, MF, MM 12 12028
Neurogenic Cell HS, MM 4 9219
Rod Bipolar Cell HS, MM 2 9063
Horizontal Cell GG, HS, MF, MM 7 8152
Cone GG, HS, MF, MM 8 8040
Mesenchymal MM 1 7840
Macrophage HS, MF, MM 6 7190
Photoreceptor Precursor HS, MM 4 6643
Keratinocyte HS, MM 2 6272
Melanocyte HS, MF, MM 8 6143
Pericyte HS, MF, MM 7 5470
Basal Cell HS, MM 2 5153
Beam HS, MF, MM 3 4955
Proliferating Cornea HS 1 4184
Blood Vessel HS 2 4126
Neural Crest HS 1 4030
Smooth Muscle Cell HS 2 4005
Schwann HS, MF 4 3225
Monocyte HS, MM 4 2654
Uveal MM 1 2578
Red Blood Cell HS, MM 4 2507
Satellite Cell HS 1 2295
Corneal Progenitor HS 1 2243
Corneal Epithelial HS, MM 3 2133
Limbal HS 1 2040
AC/HC Precursor HS, MM 3 1812
Ciliary Margin HS, MM 2 1777
Enterocyte HS 1 1725
Plasma Cell HS 1 1591
Ciliary Body HS 1 1476
Ciliary Muscle HS, MF 2 1373
Bladder MM 1 1191
Bladder Urothelial MM 1 1154
Mesenchymal (Stem) MM 1 1129
Hepatocyte MM 1 1016
Conjunctival Epithelial HS 2 914
Corneal Endothelial HS 1 906
Choriocapillaris HS 1 892
JCT HS, MF, MM 3 821
Mesoderm HS 1 718
Microglia HS, MF 6 641
Secretory Cell HS 1 352
Corneal Basement Membrane HS 1 316
Astrocyte HS 1 277
Cholangiocyte HS 1 244
Corneal Nerve HS 1 227
Schlemm's Canal MF 1 119
Limbal Progenitor HS 1 116
Oligodendrocyte GG 1 111
Meningeal MM 1 60
Kidney Proximal Tubule MM 1 57
Labelled cell types from published papers were pulled, where possible, from a combination of the Sequence Read Archive (SRA), lab web sites, and personal correspondence, then adjusted to be consistent (e.g. MG to Muller Glia) between all studies. Only cell type - study combinations with >50 cells were included in this table.

scEiaD Machine Learned Cell Type Labels

CellType Species Studies Count
Amacrine Cell GG, HS, MF, MM 21 134443
Rod GG, HS, MF, MM 22 119666
Retinal Ganglion Cell GG, HS, MF, MM 21 107407
Fibroblast HS, MM 16 74758
Bipolar Cell GG, HS, MF, MM 25 67880
Muller Glia GG, HS, MF, MM 20 62042
Epithelial HS, MM 7 55571
RPC HS, MM 9 43465
Keratocyte HS 2 36650
Late RPC HS, MM 7 34663
T/NK-Cell HS, MF, MM 10 33876
Early RPC HS, MM 10 32412
Neural Crest HS 1 25239
Corneal Epithelial HS, MM 5 22814
Cone GG, HS, MF, MM 20 21394
Endothelial HS, MF, MM 22 20744
B-Cell HS, MM 8 19994
Neurogenic Cell HS, MM 8 17785
Photoreceptor Precursor HS, MM 5 14770
Horizontal Cell GG, HS, MF, MM 15 14092
Pericyte HS, MF, MM 16 11312
Rod Bipolar Cell HS, MM 5 10331
Blood Vessel HS, MM 5 10245
Macrophage HS, MF, MM 12 10042
Schwann HS, MF, MM 7 9366
Mesenchymal MM 1 8054
Melanocyte HS, MF, MM 12 8030
Keratinocyte HS, MM 2 6635
Smooth Muscle Cell HS, MM 4 6172
Beam HS, MF, MM 5 5741
Microglia HS, MF, MM 17 5674
RPE HS, MM 6 5583
Basal Cell HS, MM 2 5474
Proliferating Cornea HS 1 4905
Conjunctival Epithelial HS, MM 4 4467
AC/HC Precursor HS, MM 6 4223
Monocyte HS, MM 6 3233
Satellite Cell HS 1 3126
Red Blood Cell HS, MM 6 2991
Uveal HS, MM 2 2860
Corneal Progenitor HS, MM 5 2678
Plasma Cell HS 1 1962
Enterocyte HS 1 1877
Ciliary Muscle HS, MF, MM 4 1756
Limbal HS 2 1690
Ciliary Body HS 1 1595
Mesenchymal (Stem) MM 1 1395
Bladder MM 1 1308
Hepatocyte MM 1 1294
Astrocyte HS 2 1183
Bladder Urothelial MM 1 1165
Ciliary Margin HS, MM 3 963
JCT HS, MF 3 723
Corneal Endothelial HS 2 664
Corneal Nerve HS 2 374
Secretory Cell HS 1 340
Cholangiocyte HS 1 327
Kidney Proximal Tubule MM 1 72
Limbal Progenitor HS 1 60
The labels above were used to create a machine learning modeled which was used to relabel all* cells in the scEiaD (*above a confidence threshold of 0.5). Only cell type - study combinations with >50 cells were included in this table.

Using and Extending plae and the scEiaD

All Links are External

Analyses Colab Bash Web Guide
Using plae Go
Custom plotting Go
Using scEiaD Seurat object Go
UMAP projection of your data on scEiaD Go
Auto cell type label your data Go Go


If you have questions about scEiaD dataset or the plae application, please contact David McGaughey, Ph.D .

Otherwise the National Eye Institute's Office of Science Communications, Public Liaison and Education responds directly to requests for information on eye diseases and vision research in English and Spanish. We cannot provide personalized medical advice to individuals about their condition or treatment.

Phone: 301-496-5248 — English and Spanish
Mail: National Eye Institute
Information Office
31 Center Drive MSC 2510
Bethesda, MD 20892-2510

Change log

0.95 (2024-12-09): Fixed diff table database slow performance, removed deprecated setSliderColor

0.94 (2023-06-12): Added error handling for exp plot situation where user filters all the data out. Fixed bug in logic for exp plot category filtering

0.93 (2023-02-16): Added the ability to download the plot data for the UMAPs, Expression Plot, Dot Plot, and Heatmap. New quick analysis document added here which gives a quick workthrough about how to recreate the plot locally in R. Enhanced the "Pop Up" buttons with more information and GIFs showing some functionality of the app.

0.92 (2022-08-30): Default in Exp Plot now facets on Gene. Exp Plot facet_wrap now on "free_y" instead of "free" to save space.

0.91 (2022-07-30): Updated diff testing model to a pseudoBulk / DESeq2 based approach. Now run on a per-species basis. Added heatmap visualization which uses the DESeq2 pseudobulk differential experession changes. Fixed bug that removed RPC from the Expression Plot view as well as display zero expression studies. Expression Plot view has a new option which flips flops the facet / x axis from Gene to whatever the cell type label is (CellType, CellType_predict, cluster).

0.90 (2022-04-05): Updated scEiaD scVI model once more. We simplified pan species gene name alignment by removing "one to many" or "many to one" name alignments. All expressed genes are still retained in the individual species (if not present in the gene name name merged matrix), but we are less aggressive about merging gene names across species as we discovered some edge cases where many genes were getting merged into one and vice versa. This necessitated a new core gene <-> cell count matrix and thus a new scVI model. We also took the opportunity to add a new mouse retina development dataset from Balasubramanian et al. and a new ocular compartment dataset from Gautam et al. We leverage the new(ish) scANVI scVI approach in which we use the community cell type labels to subtly improve the scVI modelling of the cell types. We hope this is the final update (hah) before we submit this work.

0.85 (2022-02-15): Updated example analysis to match current data, fixed 508/a11y compliance issues with the document. Added *study level* seurat and anndata objects to "Data". Updated the large downloadable Seurat / anndata objects with intronic counts data (velocity?!). Added "Other Resources" section for alternative resources for ocular transcriptomics.

0.84 (2021-11-17): Added large human cornea dataset from Collins et al. As this was a brand new human dataset with several new cell types, a new scVI model was built. Hence the new apperance of the UMAP view. Fixed a filtering bug in Exp Plot.

0.83 (2021-11-01): Fixed bug in metadata filter table loading that was messing up some of the plots in certain situations. Tweak click table column choice to include organism.

0.82 (2021-10-26): Cool feature! Now you can click the UMAP viz to get cell info!

0.81 (2021-10-25): Fix small bug in bindCache logic, improve exp plot plotting by retaining zero expression studies

0.80 (2021-10-22): MASSIVE update. Chicken data added. Brain choroid added. Trabecular meshword added. Cornea added. Human body tissues added. We now have over one million cells in this resource. Counts cleaned up with DecontX to remove (mostly) Rod gene contamination (e.g. Rho *was* everywhere). singleCellHaystack table added to Diff Testing. Updated cell filtering with a higher minimum gene count cutoff to improve overall quality. Fixed bug in gene selection where human genes that mapped to multiple mouse genes were accidently removed. Improved scran-based differential gene expression testing with better parameters and added logFC calculations to improve interpretability. Fixed bug in dotplot plot where filtered data had the incorrect denominator values.

0.74 (2021-08-12): Remove broken link, fix bug in Expression Plot that was making average expression far too low.

0.73 (2021-06-10): Allow for UMAP plot to show all values (filter now starts at >=1)

0.72 (2021-04-29): Added more content and a table organzation to the Info -> Analysis... section

0.71 (2021-04-14): scEiaD preprint on bioRxiv! Added a filter in the "exp plot" section to remove data points with user-selected (default 50) minimum cells. I was finding that data points (e.g. cell type - study) with low N would often have "outlier" results. Added a new section to the web page - Analyses (under the "Info" tab)!

0.70 (2021-03-22): New scEiaD built with corrected fastq file sets (potential bug in 10x bamtofastq tool resulted ina few datasets getting scrambled barcodes). Removed a macaque dataset (SRR7733526) with odd behavior (clustering in 2D UMAP space largely alone). Tweaked the UMAP 2D gene view with a darker "background" cell color scheme to reduce "over-emphasis" on cells with low expression of a gene. CPM replaced with counts as some odd behaviour was detected in some genes in the UMAP view where there was high "background" expression. Counts have more consistent behavior. Removed hard filter that tossed cells with >2500 detected genes.

0.60 (2021-02-08): New scEiaD built with more studies. Removed several retinal organoid datasets that had snuck in. Added a filter option for the diff searching to search, for example, one cluster directly against another cluster.

0.52 (2021-01-13): Adding "missing" genes (we had only retained genes which were expressed in all three species, which naturally led to many genes (some important, like OPN1MW) to be dropped. That has been fixed. Tweak "Expression Plot" dot size to prevent crazy tiny point sizes.

0.51 (2021-01-06): Hello 2021! Adam Gayoso kindly pointed out that I was using scVI in a non-optimal manner, so I updated the scVI modeling to match their recommend "scArches" parameters. This (fortunately for my sanity) only subtly changes the downstream result. The more significant change is that we have totally changed the diff testing section to use the scran findMarkers test instead of our complicated and compute expensive pseudo-Bulk testing which continually gave odd results.

0.50 (2020-12-31): Goodbye 2020! Major update to the scVI-based UMAP projection which improves data quality. Removed non-tissue samples (e.g. organoid/cell lines). They will be added back later once I figure out a logical/simple way to do it. Fixed major bug in QC filtering which failed to remove high mitochondrial count (likely apoptosing cells) cells. Dot plot tweaked to improve relative dot sizes. Cowan et al. dataset added.

0.43 (2020-11-09): Downloadable diff results added to "Data." The diff results reactive data table now has a "Download all ..." button which replaces the "CSV" button that only downloaded the viewable data (100 max).

0.42 (2020-10-16): Alt text added to each button, tweaked UMAP-Tables layout again. Slide logo added. Site went public at the version on 2020-11-02!

0.41 (2020-10-06): Download buttons added for each plot.

0.40 (2020-10-05): UI and text labels tweaked in UMAP-Tables to improve tab selection order. Dot plot given a bar plot to show category size. Error handling improved when user fails to provide a category value to filter on. Data Table help button added. Help buttons moved to bottom of page with consistent visual - tabbing order. Colors of UI elements tweaked to improve contrast.

0.39 (2020-09-18): Fixed calculation error in dotplot where expression not scaled by number of cells in grouping variable.

0.38 (2020-09-02): Contact section and footer added for compliance.

0.37 (2020-08-24): Help pop section populated with text. Put white halo back around text in UMAP - Meta section. Loading circles added to plots. Row names added to tables. Diff testing filtered to only return results with FDR < 0.05 and abs(logFC) > 0.5.

0.36 (2020-08-17): Data download section added. Change log moved to separate section. CSS tweaked to show links in blue. First overview table updated to improve contrast. UMAP plots axis fixed.

0.35 (2020-08-14): Moved Overview tables to html for improved rendering and switched over color-blind friendly palette. Temporarily removed Temporal Plotting section. Improved filtering for Facet Plot. DotPlot plotting fixed and improved. Back-end server.R code moved into separate functions. Colors fixed so they stay consistent when filtering/subsetting the plots. Site now starts from scratch in under 5 seconds with improved fst-based data loading and pre-calculating more operations.

0.34 (2020-08-03): Fixed issue with TabulaMuris labels not appearing. Scanned app with koa11y for 508 compliance - changed headers from h2 to h1 to comply.

0.33 (2020-07-30): Exp plot can now take space or comma separated Genes as input. User can selected number of columns in Exp Plot. Diff Table formatting improved with rounding and PB_Test can be selected as a drop down now in the data table search.

0.32 (2020-07-29): In situ Projection viz added courtesy of Zachary Batz! It's a simulated cross section of the retina with each cell type colored by intensity of scRNA expression! Move table draw button under filtering in UMAP - Tables. Sort Diff Exp results by FDR. Filtering on numeric column now returns slider UI. Remove super dangerous ability to create faceted plots on numeric values.

0.31 (2020-07-24): Re-created scEiaD with better internal (Hufnagel) transwell RPE labelling (there are roughly two groups - mature RPE with high TTR expression and less (?) mature RPE with lower TTR), removal of the SRP166660 study as it was *all* non-normal (injured retina) (confirmed with correspondence with Dr. Poche), removed the pan RGC CellType labelling for the SRP212151 as I see post-hoc that there are LOADS of non-RGC cells. Did the same for SRP186407, which has substantial non-microglia. Generally, FACS != 100% celltype purity. Added differential testing against all Tabula Muris cell types. Removing clusters/cells with high doublet scores. Added cell cycle phase (G1/G2M/S) assignment. More study level metadata.

0.30 (2020-07-20): Huge update. Hundreds of thousands of cells added. The Tabula Muris project data (pan mouse) has been added to faciliate non-eye comparison. Filtering options added to most of the plotting views to allow for quick slicing into this huge dataset. Differential expression testing totally reworked - now uses "pseudoBulk" approach to better utilize the large number of studies we have.

0.23 (2020-06-16): Remove low N cell type from diff expression tables, tweak Overview with spacing alterations and updated text.

0.22 (2020-06-15): Added expression plot by user selected groups plot view. Fixed bug in mean cpm expression calculation for Viz -> UMAP - Table gene tables

0.21 (2020-06-15): Added subcluster diff testing tables, temporal gene expression by celltype plot section.

0.20 (2020-06-06): New 2D UMAP projection that includes the full Yu - Clark Human scRNA dataset. Added tables to "Overview" section showing data stats. Added "filtering" functionality to UMAP plot section.

Other potentially useful resources for single cell ocular trancriptomics
Independent datasets : uses data from multiple independent groups
Harmonization datasets : integrates data from multiple resources with consistent bioinformatic tooling